supply drop

We are providing an opportunity for students and parents to come to Lincoln School and drop off their school supplies before the first day of attendance. In order to do this safely we have to follow some important guidelines:

  • Everyone who enters the building will be required to wear a face covering.
  • To limit capacity in the building we ask that you come at times by alphabetical order listed below:
    -5:00-5:30 Last Names Ending in A-M
    -5:30-6:00 Last Names Ending in N-Z
  • Social distancing will be encouraged throughout the building

Please click this link to take you to a list of school supplies for the 2021-2022 school

year. We understand that certain supplies may be difficult to find.   If you are having difficulty getting basic school supplies for your child please email Mrs. Giordano at or call the school office 815-883-8932.