Message from the OPS Superintendent (Oct. 22, 2020) Click on the link:
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Online Book Fair!
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
book fair
Water is back on at Lincoln School, however we will be in a boil order tomorrow at Lincoln School. We are asking for your help to please send your child with a filled water bottle tomorrow. We will have bottled water available for students in each classroom if needed. In addition we will have hand washing stations set up outside each restroom.
over 4 years ago, Michael Balestri
Due to a water main break and moving from low pressure to a complete loss of water at Lincoln School we will be dismissing early at 11:00 for both Lincoln and Washington Schools. Afternoon Preschool is canceled for today October 20, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Michael Balestri
Message from the OPS Superintendent (Oct. 16, 2020) Click on the link:
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
2020 Census Today is the final day to have your household counted! Please ensure our community is accurately represented. Like, share and complete the census!
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
The online store is now open for Fall OPS Spirit Wear!
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Spirit Wear 1
Spirit Wear 2
Good afternoon parents and families of Oglesby School District 125, I just wanted to send out a notice in recognition of all the hard work of the district and families to be as successful as we have been with our return this school year. Today we have reached midterm report time. It is a lot of effort on everyone’s behalf to make sure that we are able to be safe and provide for our students during this time whether it be in person or remote. We appreciate your efforts in making sure screenings take place daily and that you are checking on your student’s progress through remote learning. This is a great district because of the efforts of all of you. I appreciate all of your efforts and hope that you can spend some quality time over this extended three-day weekend with hopefully beautiful weather. Michael Pillion, Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Spirit Day! This Friday, October 9th is Pink Day!
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
pink day
Click on the link for Picture Day information for Remote Learners at Lincoln Click on the link for Picture Day Information for Remote Learners at Washington HR Imaging Picture Packages Lincoln HR Imaging Picture Packages Washington
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Congratulations to the following students who earned the P.B.I.S. Spotlight Student Award for September! Kindergarten: Nia J. & Bruno G. 1st Grade: Carter M. & Ruby M. 2nd Grade: Nathan J. & Lucas S. 3rd Grade: Brock B. & Raahi P. 4th Grade: Paige K. & Nino M. 5th Grade: Mayla S. & Haley B. 6th Grade Raudel H. 7th Grade: Dominic B. 8th Grade: Albiona U.
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Student Spotlight
Check out the October 2020 SOS Newsletter! The next SOS virtual meeting is Wednesday, October 14 at 6:00 p.m. To get the meeting link, please text 815-416-9416 or email
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
There will be a Halloween Movie Night for Oglesby Washington School students October 8th at 6:00 p.m. behind Washington School! Social distancing will be observed. Students will need to bring a mask in case they need to enter the building to use the bathroom.
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Halloween Movie Night
Lincoln School October 2020 Newsletter Washington School October 2020 Newsletter
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Mark your calendar for Picture Days! Lincoln School - Tuesday, October 6 Washington School - Tuesday, October 13
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Picture Day
Lincoln School October 2020 Activity Calendar
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Lincoln Activity Calendar Oct. 2020
Message from the OPS Superintendent (September 25, 2020) Click on the link:
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Message from the Superintendent
Blue & Gold Spirit Day!
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
blue and gold
Due to Covid-19, we will not be able to offer a Flu Shot Clinic for students at our schools this year. The LaSalle County Health Department is encouraging parents to call their office (815-433-3366) to schedule an appointment for their child to receive the flu vaccine.
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
Blue & Gold Spirit Day!
over 4 years ago, Oglesby District 125
blue and gold